Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The life of an immigrant-AJ

  • As the United States was in it's developing stages of success and opportunity many poor economical countries had heard of America striving to excellence. Some countries like Italy, Germany, and Spain had very poor economies meaning that in those countries you would either be known as rich or otherwise poor. This news had spread throughout Asia and the two main countries that came to the Americas were the Chinese and the Russians. This caused many boating and sailing companies to have a larger crowd since many people were looking for better opportunity of work and life in the USA.
  • America was very well known for it's diversity, fertile lands for agriculture, and successes in inventions like transportation. At this point the USA was still growing meaning that there was lots of free land causing many compacted countries like China to be more interested. Also, as stated above it was very diverse meaning it had no segregation against any one country or race/religion. As many wanted or wished to come they didn't have transportation meaning that many boating companies had had to many costumers or some civilians just couldn't pay for it.
  • Many Transportation companies for boating had eventually denied service to some civilians`who had already paid for their tickets because of the overcrowded boats and transportation vehicles. The people who were lucky enough had to be arranged in orders like lower class and upper class. Since the lower class was always larger they would normally be cramped against railings and walls for sometimes 14 hours!
  • Even after that misery the immigrant would reach Ellis Island which was a very important part of our history. As they would enter families, couples, and singles would go through series of tests for their passports and Visa's to check if they were eligible. As the next series of tests came some had been sent back home because of their invalid Visa's. The next series of tests was to scan for any types of diseases like arthritis, Ebola, and lymphoma to make sure that no person will bring in a disease to the country. 
  •  Their was a tale of how Chinese Grandpa and his grandson had came to America to meet with the rest of their family. They had passed the passport configuration ad were of to the blood tests. The grandson was able to pass, but the Grandpa was diagnosed with arthritis and wasn't allowed to pass. The Grandson had to go alone into the Americas while the grandpa had been forced back into China.

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