- An inexperienced, foreign family of dominantly sailors surprisingly decided on quickly attending to a peculiar and interesting journey which enveloped the more desolate outer islands of Fiji; they have thankfully recorded the valuable and cultural information to deepen the surfaced understanding of these isolated, yet religious people. As necessarily required due to their various destinations and visiting locations, they desperately needed useful, yet ancient tools to the urbanized world such as simple fishing gear, average staple foods, and a functional, accidental remedy kit. As they quickly approached the beautiful and natural islands, they were vibrantly influenced to entirely follow the various different and natural styles of the prominent natives, such as comfortably adorning feminine sarongs. As they continuously explored, a multitude of religious greeting gifts accompanied them to every place.
- As the curious expedition family finally arrived at their primary destination of the inhabited and gorgeously natural island of Nabouwala, they were almost immediately welcomed by minuscule native children and quickly rushed to attend to a ceremonial greeting meeting with their prominent headman, Waisea. Waisea openly welcomed them and immediately escorted them to the entire village tribe's significant and surprisingly female chief. They quickly arrived at another oddly fashioned house, in which they were kindly and politely seated on a comfortable, clean grass mat. They were then warmly welcomed by the official chief, a wise, elderly woman, named Andislombe. Afterwards, when the various natural greeting and warm welcoming gifts were briefly exchanged, various native, significant, stress - relieving plant roots were finely grand and submerged into pure, crystal water to be fully served to all.
- The remainder of the interesting, intriguing, exploration day was spent grandly upon the entire, polite tribe attempting to warmly create a neutralized feeling, an accepting emotion, that these unknown, foreign tourists were openly welcome and gratefully appreciated, becoming a minuscule portion of the humble and gigantic family the enormous tribe was already. After enjoying the beauty of unity and harmony, the captivated foreign family departed sadly to attend to the secondary location they had originally planned to visit. Once again, on the densely inhabited island of Naviti, they primarily targeted an extremely overcrowded village of Gunu, containing roughly an estimated amount of three hundred and fifty tribal residents. They were almost as equally welcomed with obvious hospitality from the individual male tribe chief, Bill, and rendered most of their unique experience with various female artisans.
- The generous touring foreigners also immensely desired to observe and analyze the functions of the common, unwealthy, local academies. After being briefly, yet entirely informed about the extremely difficult lifestyles and challenging routines of the dedicated students, the wealthy family decided to donate necessary money and convenient school supplies freely. Suddenly, the entire biased perspective of the average village transformed drastically. The normal foreign tourists deciding to observe and experience the exceedingly different political structures, cultural ceremonies, and basic, yet exerting lifestyles of the continuously native, peaceful, and natural people; meanwhile, these kindly foreign tourists donated without a doubtful, secondary thought. Therefore, with blossoming gratitude and an absurd amount of gratefulness, the dense village deemed to host an exuberant feast for their precious visitors.
- Afterwards, the foreign, inspired family purposefully decided to somewhat keep in touch with the now loyal and dedicated villagers. This especially became useful when a devastating cyclone wrecked the beautiful, yet exposed Gunu people, causing a gigantic amount of fertile and hospitable land to become wrecked, leaving carnage and misery in a terrible return to the suffering villagers, with no guaranteed connections to the resourceful mainland. Instead, they were luckily capable of swiftly contacting the foreign family, and earned supportive funds and useful replacement supplies which sustained them from the generous tourist group. Afterwards, the foreigners explain how they are ultimately blessed to be provided an amazing opportunity to experience the beauty of the discrimated Fijian people, and how their extremely different lifestyles function just as effectively as the common urban person.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
The Fijian Villages That Require Approval To Enter (An Insight Of Their Lives) - Anita
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Have schools been giving students enough individual help -AJ
- In schools kids have been known to learn at their own paces and be taught at the level which they stand at. These different paces could be if a kid had trouble keeping up with their class's basic curriculum they would normally be assigned to a special help class where they lower the expectation and take the stress of trying to keep up off their shoulders. While, others may be outstanding students and are always ahead of their regular class for their subject are often promoted to an advanced class where the border line expectation is raised to an even higher standard. Kids have know been grouped by what teacher and principals may think, so they are the ones to judge whether a student should be kept in a basic class, a special help class, or an advanced curriculum class. A new problem has occurred asking if schools are giving enough individual help or not.
- Many parents have stated that their child or children may have not received enough individual help at their school. For example, a father in Oklahoma would support that his son's school has not been giving enough individual help. His son was 8 years old in third grade when he was diagnosed with brain damage. When he was born they had found out that he had some dead brain tissue that caused him to lose some brain cells at the end of the third grade. The doctors had at first recommended to see how the boy does in his school. When the kid went back to school he came back the first day saying that the teacher told the class about his condition, and that he made a lot of new friends that day. The father had noticed that his son was socially fine. The next day his son had his first test, and when it was graded he had taken it home to show it to his dad. His son had ended up with a 40% and he found out that it was the basic curriculum. He asked the teacher if she could give him extra help, but she said to follow the doctor's recommendation to study under the regular class curriculum for the first semester.
- When the first semester had come to a completion the father had been very upset at his sons failing grades, but he had expected it because the curriculum was to difficult for his son to process. He finally had a discussion with the teacher and she moved his son to a special help class where the standard expectation is set lower than the average. When his son made it to the special ed he he had been helping his kid with his home work from his new special education teacher. The father's son had been given his first test to see what he knew, and he showed his dad that he had received a 65% on it. He had been continuing with that class, and the teacher gave out the grades. The father was surprised to see five d's because the expectation was set lower. The kid said that all his new teacher did was give them easier tests and worksheets than the basic class, but he never individual attention. The father who wasn't happy had to transfer his son to a new special ed. school because of the bad focus of teaching in the previous one.
- On the other hand many parents believe that schools have been fitting and have given individual help for students. Many parents say that their kids have been falling back in studies, so nowadays schools have given options to chose what standard special education class they would want their kids to be attending. They can also choose which standardized curriculum to chose for their child. If a student has been really good in their basic classes and the teachers and principals have acknowledged that, then parents can choose what specific type of advanced class they want their child to be attending. Kids can even go to the next grade for an advanced class if they are that academically good.
- Kids have Nowadays been grouped in school in such ways of how much intellect they have, and what their mental capacity is at. Schools have know been developed enough to adjust to any students level of intellect. Such as, special ed classes or advancement classes including students above average. Parent have argued whether or not schools have been benefiting their child's academic needs, so many school administrators have enforced immediate changes for the better.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Should college tuition fees decrease for the better-AJ
- Many kids from the start of their learning career may dream of a job that they can make a succession out of. These jobs could range from becoming a professional athlete in any sports or from building your own it business and have a sturdy info structure. All of these dreams you may have dreamt as maybe a young toddler or as high school freshman have gotten even harder to reach. A t the end of many kids senior year they persevere in choosing what job they would like to have as a graduated adult. Their certain dream job can only be given by going through a new and more complex school called college. As you may choose a job after ending your school career you go to a college that masters in that art, for example if you would want to get into the medical field you would have to g through the college UPEN which masters specifically in the science of medicine. A common argument and problem is that many kids may not get to their dream jobs if they can't afford their college. That is why many parents and student graduates have inferred to decrease college prices.
- Many people have been on the supportive side of decreasing the college prices for their children's important education.For example, a mother in Iowa has been very supportive of this very reason. Her son had been succeeding in his school career from elementary school to his new middle school. He was now in his soft more year in high school trying to study under the profession of Nero Physics. He had studied under chemical formulas, reactions, and even organic chemistry, but he had been seeing come difficulty in his classes since he joined in his soft more year. His school had started introduce the students personal devices at the Ridge wood high. The kids got their personal devices and looks like he had found certain utilities that he had found very resourceful.
- After using his given devices he found out ways to keep up with his complex science classes and even get ahead of the game. His science teachers believed he was improving, so they all gave him many opportunities and they had even bumped him up into the advanced classes. As the semesters passed his mother was loving his substantial progress in what he wanted to major in. He had graduated his high school after the next two years on a very good note. He had gotten one exception into Princeton University, but it was very costly because it wasn't a full scholarship. His parents couldn't pay it off, and after he finishes he would have to pay debt for 24 years into his working carer. Sadly, he had to resign and become a nurse at a county college.
- Many parents believe that maybe colleges should be keeping their prices the same. Their reasoning is that high school kids shouldn't just get through their school career at their average just because their parents can just pay off for their college. Kids should be targeting for scholarships or acceptance into their college. Many college administrators believe that they can't just lower their prices because at one point everyone might be able to afford it, and their high end quality may decrease. Many people believe that people should earn their college rights.
- As you can tell, many parents and guardians believe that colleges should be lowering their prices. Many talented kids that have had amazing success in school and what they wanted major in as their job, but the parents may not have enough money to pay for their child's education as a dismay. The government has now thankfully for many been interfering, and trying to come up with a solution that goes both ways of this argument.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Should schools and parents give only a minimal amount of time for electronics or even ban them-AJ
- Many learning experiences and fun action has been introduced through technology. Kids these days have been given devices such as Ipads, smartphones , laptops, and etc.. These devices have been used for many purposes such as academics, games, interactions, and much more. Especially nowadays schools have been giving there students extending privileges on using these devices for academic purposes. A common problem though is that kids have been taking advantage of these devices, that many parents, teachers, and principal have had thoughts of banning such devices in class or having an effective and controlling procedure for these devices. While other parents have denied that and believe students should be able to use it in a different, and non-abusive way.
- A mother in Michigan does support that schools should have certain ways of threatening or even stopping usage of electronic devices.For example,a mother in Michigan believed it was fair to cut down the usage of technology. It was her sons senior year in high school and he was given a laptop and Kindle fire for academic schoolwork. It was his first day to receive the school's devices, and he looked very happy about getting them. In his school, all they had used was their devices. Their laptops and kindles were used for schoolwork, productive in class discussions, projects, testing , and also home work. Since his homework was done on his devices he was allowed to take them home every day, but the mom noticed that had finished his homework extra fast, and that he was doing other school work.
- The mom was surprised at this because she had known very well that her son had been very troubled in keeping up with his past classes and went to special ed. She was convinced that her son had started to become better at doing his schoolwork because of the provided technology. She was also a little curious because her son would always spend a lot more time on his devices after he had finished his schoolwork. When the first semester grades were shown the mom had found out her son had gotten b's and some c's, which was some what better than his past grades. The school had newly added an activity scanner on students devices. The mom was recent her son's letter grades receiving all f's on his report card and on the bottom was clearly underlined as plagiarism, cheating, and misuse of device. The mom found out and had a serious talk with her son. The school had decided to take away his devices before the end of the school year and his college was informed causing him to struggle because of it.
- On the other hand, many parents do believe that it is a good thing to apprehend devices in teaching. They believe this because technology has had tremendous benefits for kids in ways of being taught and learning new development skills. for example, many kids in school may be bad in many academics, but they can still have a great job and college career if they are great in handling different types of technologies. Kids have had successes in ways of learning so many schools have been putting great enforcement on utilizing them.
- In many ways technology has been a great factor in daily lives. These lives are especially of young students trying to learn, but many have misused them. That is why schools have found better ways of preventing them. Technology can be a great friend when properly used, but it can also be your worst enemy when misused.
Should Students Be Able To Grade Their Teachers? - Anita
- Recently, the entire innocent student populations began quickly teeming into the various Chicago public academies after an incredibly restless, previous week during which they were required not to attend their normal education buildings and conduct their normal, daily, productive lifestyle. And the major reason due to the entire educational district's incompetence with barricading their dedicated students from achieving daily academic success would unnaturally be due to their usually responsible, civil, mannered educators. The casual teachers decided to conduct some incredibly major protesting activities and somewhat did not acknowledge the entire, unproductive week of their admirable classmates. Another controversial version of peacefully solving this enlarged issue would probably be to allow the trustworthy students to simply evaluate their personal opinions upon the confused teachers claiming unfair.
- The entire system of allowing the attending and educating students to honestly evaluate their common teachers is not a newer form of understanding a prominent or an insignificant teacher's worth to their dedicated students. The undeccisive teacher's union have wisely decided to simply compromise and easily negotiate with their esteemed leader, Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The finalized and complete decision was finally and affirmatively rested upon. A specific teacher would be viewed as a fair equivalent of their individual skill to their prominent students' overall standardized assessments, completely averaged evenly among the various talents of the diverse classroom. The primary reason the usually subdued teachers were extremely riled was because of the biased and majorly unfair form of receiving their overall profit from their occupied superiors, not prioritizing their most significant employees.
- During more recent annual timings, this more prominent and equalized system of evolution has been taken into the most major consideration among national academic educators. It has been majorly and greatly encouraged to allow and permit the vast variety of familiarized students to entirely evaluate their dedicated teachers through their overall intelligence levels in the prominent and most significant standardized assessments. Along with being granted a desirable increase in their average profit, the wise teachers also competively participated in the previous Obama Administration's Race To The Top educational contest, ranking the most valued teachers nationally. The Educational Commission Of America claims, through analyzed statistics, that an estimated thirty states purely evaluate their prominent educators upon the averaged standardized assessments, and another thirteen make it a major portion.
- Proponents and other experienced advocates continue to believe that until our esteemed America is capable of supportively encouraging the entire, complete nation to begin to widely utilize this more prominent system of worthy teacher evaluation, we can finally pave a peaceful and fully successful path to contributing to a healthy and most amazing educational system that the entire competitive world has ever transformed and evolved enough to luckily gaze upon. For example, roughly thirty - three percent of the nation's simple fourth graders are incredibly below and rapidly dropping underneath their average and recommended reading levels, while another estimated one - fourth of the normal teenage population are not fully completing their academic curriculums correctly or at all. These academic analysists believe that the new evaluation form will probably deliver the best educators to the struggling.
- Even though this newly introduced evaluation system is becoming greatly accepted through our esteemed nation as the most prominent and peaceful form of introducing more dedicated educators and eliminating the less worthy ones, numerous teachers continue to believe otherwise and refuse to entirely support this common system, raising a large amount of vast suspicions and controversy and skepticism. For example, a multitude of teachers believe it unfair that those that do not possess any experience in their difficult position are analyzing and determining the entire career and desirable profit which they earn. Others are becoming more wary and oddly afraid of these unreliable systems and claim they may place additional pressure upon the fragile shoulders of their dedicated students and transform the once enjoyable education facilities into a major assessing and test - taking period of the once casual, academic day.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Should Schools Put Tracking Devices In Students' I.D. Cards? - Anita
- Nationally acknowledged Anson Jones Middle School has surprisingly admitted a sophisticated and somewhat controversial system developed to secretly monitor the various activities of their mysterious students, both positive and negative. They have actually implanted random radio frequency devices in the personal I.D. cards of their multitude of attending students so that the monitoring security officers can always rely upon these prominent location systems to discover and precisely pinpoint their specific areas. While multiple adults, especially the responsible teachers, encourage this newly invented form of recording the unreliable and mischievous actions and unpredictable whereabouts of their vast variety of unique students, others do not motivate and encourage this controversial idea and deeply respect the defensive privacy of the average human, even if they are possibly not the most trustworthy people.
- Schools are provided, from the governing administrative program that monitors the responsible leadership, some profitable amounts of dependable money to spend productively for their entire academy's advantage and overall benefit. The various amounts provided are primarily determined by the quantity of knowledgeable students attending and participating in the multitude of additional homeroom classes. Oddly, esteemed Anson Jones Middle School, residing peacefully in San Antonio, Texa, was primarily suffering the numerous budget reductions which the district were conducting based upon the unique organization of the individual school itself. Since they refuse to alter their ancient system of not accepting homerooms, the overall monitoring of amounts of crowded and populations of esteemed students were not precisely counted, and therefore were not receiving their complete share of support.
- The significant spokesmen for the educational district monitoring and assisting the esteemed academy, Pascual Gonzalez, directly explains the various instructions which must be obliged by. Roughly three hundred thousand generous dollars are provided, and the required academy must eventually repay the educational district roughly two million dollars. The primary reason for this oddly gigantic debt would probably accuse the expensive radio frequency detection system. Meanwhile, the esteemed academy is entirely suffering from their various expenses and unnecessary, collected debts due to their stubborn passion to utilize this newer selection of advanced technology. Along with the educational district's wariness, numerous other organizations developed upon the strong foundation of personal privacy protection are beginning to demotivate this new location and tracking system accepted by school.
- Matthew Simpson, one of the esteemed policy strategists of the American Civil Liberites Of Texas, analyzed the newly installed system and claimed that this was not entirely protected and most likely endangered the once guaranteed security of the vast amount of innocent students. To support this claim, he quickly proved that the advanced technology purchased to develop and utilize this previously unique system was now extremely common and could become easily acquired by anybody. Likewise, the esteemed academy's protected system could become a major threat to their unknowing students and their once protected security. Anybody that can somehow access any sorts of valuable information concerning a specific student's individual and unique I.D. card number and locate their exact location. This can become extremely unhealthy and eventually lead to major consequences for the children.
- While these accusations were professionally set forth, the entire issue continued to remain controversial, between those obsessed with these new forms of advanced technology and those more concerned with the more prominent technology. Matthew Simpson continued his further research concerning the immense controversy and claims that the actual advanced locating technology applied into this major issue were originally utilized to monitor the gigantic movements of various shipped goods and traveling, sold cattle to ensure that these human resources reached their final destinations safely. Instead, the unaware students themselves actually support and promote their unsafe tracking devices, most likely because their admirable teachers and responsible educators are encouraging it. As innocent children, they are obsessed with being capable of scanning lunchroom barcodes, while teachers can rely emergencies.
Should schools start cutting down on kids use of technology -AJ
- As schools have been introduced to new methods of teaching and greater ways for the average youth to learn the average child's mind has been evolving. Since, the digital revolution had occurred, many schools have created big changes that especially involves a higher usage and dependence on technology for everyday class. Kids have had a daily share of technologies that can range from daily used iPads', smartphones, laptops, computers, and smart boards, etc.. A common issue resulted is if whether new generation has been taken advantage of having these electronics provided for them in school.
- Many parents may agree that their child or others maybe misusing their technologies in their classrooms. For Example, a father in Robbinsville, New Jersey had supported that kids have been misusing school provided electronics from experiencing an issue with his own son. At that central middle school, the school board of education has been providing many new electronics such as iPads, and computers for every students academic usage. The father's son had gotten his ipad and laptop which he was allowed to also take home for any schoolwork and homework. The kid was extremely excited with his new devices.
- When the first semester had started the father had seen his son on the devices a lot, and when the dad asked why he spent so much time on them the kid had replied by saying that he was getting a lot of schoolwork. The father hade asked because his son was spending so much time on his devices and kept on giving the same answer for why. When the first semester was coming to an end the parents could access grades from a private parent portal on the schools website, so that's what the father did. He had found out that his son had gotten a mix of c's and d's in every single subject. The father was curious because the grade were computer based meaning they were all done on the laptop. When the son got home the dad checked on his laptop and found his son doing inappropriate thing, so the father asked the school to take away his son privileges of using the devices.
- In the story above a student had misused the device the school had provided for him and it had cost his grades. Many parents though have believed that schools should giving more independence with school technology. Many parents believe that their children have been expanding there capacity of learning through being given a wider privilege to use their school devices. For example, if someone had been sick for a very long time and had been missing a quite a bit of school, it would be difficult for them to catch up on all he work when they come back to school. Now teachers can email kids on school devices all the things that they need to complete, and the kids can complete and send them back without any stress.
- Many schools have been aware of the new issue that kids have been misusing many school devices doing many inappropriate things, so there has been many solutions. Teachers can now see every students activity on devices, they can shut down certain apps, websites, or even lock students out of their devices when inappropriate activity has been sensed. In my opinion, schools have taken a big step into leading students or the new generation into a path of success.
Thursday, August 24, 2017
Is Cheating Getting Worse? - Anita
- Recent and frequent various detailed studies revolving around the once immature topic of demotivated cheating practices are surprisingly rising once more. Throughout our developing stage of our lengthy childhoods, all proper children following and guided by positive morals will understand that the inferior practice of cheating can truly function against one person and is probably the best option to be wisely avoided. While we had originally begun believing that those who are not innocently subject to continuous cheating are the incapable students who are lacking necessary skill but do not provide effort to become more intelligent, these recent academic studies claim that a large majority of the poor, average, and talented students, mainly the enrichment groups, are purposefully cheating not only to willingly survive, but to thrive with suspicious perfection. Now, unacceptable cheating is becoming frequent.
- While we may mainly believe that this is a desperate student mistake, we cannot fully force them to accept the blame. Some less privileged students may not possess the proper influence to persuade them to avoid the unmannerly practice of cheating, while others may be provided the most successful and genuine role models to accept the most significant advice from. If an anguished student decides to purposefully sneak a single peek at their fellow student's hidden assessment paper, they are not intentionally desiring to behave with a lazy attitude, rather attempting to achieve the final grades they truly admire. Meanwhile, while this innocent cheating is occurring, what is the monitoring teacher currently doing? Instead of keeping a steady watch of their maybe mischievous or desperate students, they believe they are preoccupied. This has been proven to occur in Stuyvesant, Air Force, and Harvard.
- Another selection of recent studies has additionally analyzed the various odd student behaviors and unacceptable student attitudes to finally conclude that the majority of the average student population result to violating academic integrity, such as powerful honesty to admit their true actions of intentional cheating, to a somewhat minor degree which is unknowingly unnoticed. Therefore, even the high achievers may result to the now normalized and common practice of cheating. They oddly believe that since a large majority of the population of the students are capable of purposefully cheating and going unnoticed because the monitoring teachers were ignorant and neglected the truly underlying actions which were occurring. So, while these terrible habits of secrecy and camoflaguing the truth about defying the academic rules that have continued peacefully for generation, as it begins to worsen the past few decades.
- Experts that anazlyze these academic standards have formulated an extremely simple solution to this worsening dilemma by claiming that the unacceptable practice of cheating is being more widely ignored and neglected and less brutally punished, more easily tolerated. Along with this factor, both the strict teachers and constantly responsible parents are not providing repetitive and stern warnings which are usually the best form of assisting innocent children in understanding that desperate practices of cheating should be demotivated and are prohibited when they are attempting to become successful during both their basic childhood and more complicated adult life, where the noticed attempts of cheating suffer major consequences. Cheating even during this underdeveloped stage of life can be planted on permanent records and largely influence a passionate child's future in the most negative form of transform.
- An experienced professor teaching at Rutgers Business School, Donald L. McCabe, was privately interviewed and was asked a couple of insightful questions. He quickly answered that not only did a large amount of desperate students purposefully cheat because they are required to survive, while talented students always residing in the top ranks of their classroom, too competitive and attempting to always achieve perfection, also attempt to cheat, but instead to thrive. While a large majority of the entire student population does intentionally result to decisive cheating, we need to reinforce that this form of earning the proper grades which we desire is not the correct one. Instead, we should attempt to ourselves achieve our desirable ranks in our classrooms. By instead inputting effort and determination, we actually feel more accomplished about our feats of amazement and our true, best performances.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
How should schools be addressing any type of bullying-AJ
- As kids may enter new schools or start a new year in a higher grade they can be persuaded by their environment. As students may enter a new school they may have a completely new environment surrounding them. This environment( based on the other students) may be positive or in a worse way, negative. As a student gets deep into there year of school when they are new they may take big changes to change themselves in order to adapt or fit in with everyone around them. This is common because common environment might pick on or in other words bullying. The common issue found in schools is if whether or not schools are properly addressing bullying.
- Even though bullying itself sounds painful, it even has it's own forms.One major one is called cyber bullying, his is a bullying used on the internet even commonly used on large social medias, such as Facebook, Instagram, and tweet,etc.. For example, if a bully may not be able to bully or pick on someone face to face, they could be an anonymous user on a commonly used social media that their target may use. On that social media with an anonymous user and frame the person that they targeted.
- Bullying has been increasing in making fun of disabled kids. In a school in Texas a new kid could not walk and had an arm that was 6 cm. She was very clumsy and disruptive in class. One day a kid in her class was holding the door for the class and she was the last one in line, so he purposefully slammed the door on her causing her to pass out. The nurse was called and she diagnosed the kid with a concussion. The kid was forced into the hospital and came out in three days. The kid who did it was only given a mild punishment.
- As you see in the story above the school should have been addressing the situation by giving the kid who was given a mild punishment. Addressing and handling bullying has been a problem in many schools. Some schools have approached the problem by trying to educate kids on bullying and also trying to threaten kids to not try to promote or cause any types of it. While other schools are giving some tolerance for it and only giving mild warnings.
- As the years passed from the 1980's to the 2010's, bullying has cut down by 60% because of many schools low tolerance of it. Schools ave attempted many ways to prevent or not to promote any types of bullying. Diversity has been found common in many schools so acceptance of different religion has become more common. By the 2050's at this rate, scientists believe that bullying should be down to about 5% of what it was.
High Blood Pressure Diagnoses Are About To Increase In Teens And Children - Anita
- The average responsible parent may constantly be precisely monitoring various factor of their cared child's overall transforming health levels along with their positive well - beings. But when you recently reschedule another basic appointment with your experienced pediatrician for them, be aware that you may probably and most likely receive some unsettling news concerning your "believed as strong" child. Recently, the American Academy Of Pediatrics has released and instituted a new type of examination which may be implemented upon their younger patients during their common, annual, general appointments. This newer aspect that has frequently raised some amount of worry and concern in both these responsible parents and experienced doctors would probably be the common, yet deadly high blood pressure that usually plagues normal people as grown adults, being reinstated (2004).
- Calculated and strongly supported by recent major, focused studies, roughly three and five tenths percent of once healthy and reliable children and teens have been commonly diagnosed with the average hypertension, which is a major increase from the one to two percent of previous years, when the overall guidelines for serious hypertension were originally invented and not tampered or altered for more recent, exact information in thorough examination since 2004; a newer, refurbished edition was published in a frequent September issue of a renowned journal by the title of "Pediatrics." Doctor Joseph T. Flynn was interviewed by CNN and wisely reported, as the primary person taking proper initiative in altering the various examination guidelines, by claiming that the common hypertension is the fifth most occurrent chronic disease in the average adolescent and child. Seventy - five percent are undiagnosed.
- When Doctor Joseph T. Flynn was interviewed, he provided a detailed explanation concerning the unknown whereabouts and anonymous origins of common hypertension occurring oddly in underaged humans. We now already may be drastically questioning how this more developed condition would occur extremely early for young children than maybe latter in their vast lives, such as adulthood, but we may not have thoroughly considered why young children may become the basic portion of the entire population suffering with hypertension. During the average human's early years, while their minuscule immune system is continuing to develop and is not yet capable of defending against a majority of diseases, many infants may become susceptible to various kidney diseases, which is truly another deadly outcome of hypertension, including stroke, heart failure, heart attack, and even possibly death.
- While seeming to attract a more basic, undeveloped stage of what could eventually transform into severe hypertension, allowing this early condition to ignorantly and carelessly remain untreated for the once peaceful remainder of your diagnosed child's life could unintentionally result in unwanted consequences which will definitely occur, guaranteed, due to neglection and not enough monitoring of the progression of the condition itself. When Doctor Joseph T. Flynn was previously requested what would become the major consequences of untreated hypertension of a diagnosed child during the susceptible years of their early life, he responded by claiming, from his vast amount of experience, about how this basic, underdeveloped hypertension could haunt this specific young child throughout their entire lives and eventually evolve into more major and deadly forms of cardiovascular diseases.
- Due to the various predictions and true factual outcomes that have drastically affected numerous adults possessing the disease as children have encouraged a multitude of experienced doctors, especially the average pediatricians, that maybe their youthful patients diagnosed with the underdeveloped disease should begin to act upon correcting their conditions now, in this earlier, less powerful stage than later in their lives, during which they must unnecessarily suffer. Doctor Sophia Jan, another experienced, common pediatrician, claims that even though a gigantic amount of careful parents may currently be reluctant to allow their diagnosed children treat themselves with many doses of prescribed medicines, doctors are encouraging and prodding them that this form of effective and aged treatment may possibly pose itself as the only remaining option to ensure that their young children may become healthy adults soon.
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
What are kids really learning in school-AJ
- As the kids grow up and get to the age of going to school they may experience a lot from their new environment. These things can range from get bullied or made fun of to making really friends on your first day.AS a student goes through their youth school years their mind can absorb a whole lot. A common argument between parents, teachers, principals, and school boards is what are kids really learning while doing their daily listening at school. This is a great question because as a child goes to school their minds absorb a lot, but who knows what habits, teaching, or information they may be absorbing when going to school.
- As kids go to school they may have to switch from teacher to teacher. As many teachers have to follow the basic curriculum such as quizzes or tests they basically are allowed to teach any lessons they want and in their own way.Many teachers like to stick the assigned curriculum and teach in the refereed way, while some layed beck teachers may enjoy doing their teaching in their own way. This has been a reasoning for the question of what kids are learning at school.
- A mom in Ohio had also been a main supporter of the question of what her child is really learning in school. The mother had asked her son when he came back from middle school what he had learned in his class, and her son replied with a lot and said his teacher was really fun. the mother had seemed to be happy to hear that with out even knowing what he learned. After getting pretty deep in the year she found her son without much homework and without many test notices or grades. When she found her son's report card he got all C's, and every single subject said failed basic curriculum.
- The mom was very surprised to see it and she called her son over. He was shocked to see it because he said his teacher never prepared for the tests because his teacher said they were just for practice and don't be afraid to fail. His mom realized how laid back and how non productive her son's teacher was. Complaints about that teacher started spilling into the principal. The principal was astonished at the amount of parents that had complained, so she was forced to fire and replace him.
- As you can tell, it is important to be getting information about your kids activity, so your child may not have to risk their grades to learn their lesson. The new Idea that has been enforced for many schools is that by the end of a given time the teachers must finish the given curriculum in order anything else extra.
Many Americans Unconcerned About Facebook Meddling With The News - Anita

- Extremely recently, a definite vote has been accurately recorded to understand and specifically analyze the personal opinions of average American citizens actively participating in various addictive social media programs, primarily targeting famous Facebook. This beginning as minimal controversy has been reversed and, as some proud supporters of these connecting networks, that various once prominent news channels have decided to purposefully exaggerate the occurring events. The faced issue is that Facebook's "Trending Topics" are most likely subject and not immune to human bias and comments on specific, controversial news events that may stir various opinionated people in entirely different directions. Therefore, the significant news channels created an average voting event to understand the American citizen viewpoint. Forty - seven were very comfortable, while thirty - seven percent were not comfortable.
- Not surprisingly, numerous American politicians and vigorous supporters of the esteemed American political parties were also interviewed, or simply voted. Democrats seemed obviously alright with Facebook attempting to conduct the occupation of the various new channels, even when hinting slightly at some personal human bias, while Republicans seemed uncanny and unsure about this shift in once stabilized events. The Democratic viewpoint posed no surprise because of their confident support of various social media programs, majorly including large - scale companies such as Facebook itself. Fifty - five percent of Democrats and forty - two percent of Republicans were comfortable. Meanwhile, Facebook is attempting to slip unnoticed from the various scarring accusations. Facebook editors may suppress and alter their biased posts if the common readers are becoming often suspicious.
- Another selection piece of the completed vote determined what the American citizens and following politicians believed that the primary topics discussed should be created in the interest of. In the duration of the polling, when the finalized results were analyzed, Republicans, as predicted, desired for the various new topics published by the swayed Facebook editors to be created in the major interest of captivating the reader versus the Democrats, strongly believing that the biased editors should be permitted to majorly decide which intriguing articles they desired to publish. Along with raising controversy at what specific audience Facebook was primarily attempting to attract, Republicans and Democrats once again clashed furiously about the simple topics the trendy news editors published. This entire detailed survey occurred during our recent March 13 to 15 and accepted roughly two thousand voters.
- Another thorough investigation concerning the now deepening amounts of suspicion about human bias plaguing various current event articles in Facebook's "Trending Topics" section, we have truly gained insight and knowledge about how the social media application functions. While the numerous editors may publish their personal current event articles which may contain hints of bias and personal persuasion towards the captivated reader, Facebook also features another significant and different sections entitled "News Feed." This section of the social media application concerns and operates as a centralized hub, or the location where majority of the published factual material resides within. This program operates with a complicated algorithm which attempts to match the reader with a piece of interesting news which may specifically captivate them, and is most likely not subject to majority of human bias.
- Obviously, the complex algorithm is monitored and tweaked by the humans, most likely the operating employees manipulating the various factors. For example, when the previous detailed bullet explained precisely how the controlled hub attempted to pair the reader with different articles with similar content which they enjoyed, Facebook attempts to manipulate this factor. Recently, they have been majorly sponsoring various live video broadcasts provided via the Facebook application itself and have been often purposefully recommending these to their variety of users, even those who may not exactly enjoy viewing the provided material. Therefore, the once amazing "News Feed" application is swiftly losing popularity. Ironically, while thirty - one percent of users claim they heard of the bias plauge from televisions resources and eighteen percent from Facebook itself, the rest depend on social media.
Monday, August 21, 2017
Has the new generation misused the privilege of Technology-AJ
- The human brain can be a privilege,but it can also be a devastating weapon. As the human brain develops it can seriously change it's environment for the worse or the better.These changes can be differed from making an amazing daily use utility to making a devastating nuclear warhead designed to destruct. The worlds greatest enemy and ally are humans. This has been a proven fact since knowing that we have wiped off 15% of the Earth's land masses from our daily consumption of pollutants,trash, waste, and a highly known cause of pesticides(highly poisonous gases made to kill animals or rodents that may go and destroy farmland survival). Even though humans are at the top of the food chain, we are still the most dependent of other life sources.
- The question of of the new generation helping or destructing with the privilege of technology can be conflicted in your average household.For example, many parents believe that technology has been greatly abused in a household, but other parents may argue that it has been a role for success for many children. Many people believe that technology has been abused by the new generation.For Example, a parent in Boston,Massachusetts asked her son to put down his PS4 because he went way over his playtime, and he needed to do his homework since it is a big part of is grade.He scribbled something in something and "finished" in five minutes. His mother came by,and asked how he finished so fast, and he said he didn't have much, so he began play until his bedtime.
- When the marking period scores came out, the mother saw that her son was very distracted and that he had gotten 4 D's and 2 C-'s. Her son came back from school and turned on his PS4. The mother asked how he did on his grade, and the son said he did really good. The son then noticed that there was only a controller left of the PS4. His mo came up to him and showed him a print of his grades which showed his failing scores. The kid cried out and said it was hard for him. The mom said you hve to earn it this semester in order get your privileges back, so the next semester the kid came back with four A's and two B's. He earned a right to play a certain amount of time every
- While many parents may argue that technology has been abused, many believe that it has been a privilege for their children.For example many parents believe that technology has boosted kids education academically. This is true because education has boosted 6 times better from when technologies were not entwined with learning . these helpful technologies could be websites such Wikipedia, SmartyPedia, Study Island, and other factuating websites found on the internet
- As you can tell, technology has affected humans in many ways. From interested developments and inventions, to wiping out and causing other extinct species. This has been argument between daily citizens on ways or solutions to help the new generation from falling into an abyss of misusing or taking advantage of what they have. This is a common issue that has caused solutions to result such as the gaming time manger created by Amazon. This app automatically shuts down on any gaming device if a child goes over a set playing time.
What Do You Think Of Grouping Students By Ability In Schools? - Anita
- In our common lives of the settled present, we are steadily realizing that the educational systems within our once equalized schools are currently becoming ignored severely and encouraging another, more different approach to assisting its talented students in studying and emergent growth. For example, one of the most noticeable transformations in our aged education systems is the dividing of a multitude of variously skilled students. If you have recently and frequently observed the now colonized terms of "gifted classes," "honors programs," and "advanced placement courses," then you may already understand and have acknowledged the primary direction and focused subject of this posted topic. In our average schools, sometimes beginning at an extremely and extraordinarily young age, the class teachers are viewing the intellectual levels of their innocent students and grouping them so.
- Another extreme example of the utter beginnings of this divisional system may have been orchestrated at an unnoticeable basic and minimum level of classroom practice in the youngest kindergarten. These average teachers obviously did not understand the major mistakes and severe consequences they would soon face prominently, but they somehow developed the unruly habit of splitting their entire, gigantic classrooms into various groupings to easily be capable of determining their brightest students, and the participants who constantly required assistance. To perform this staging by intellectual power, they became immensely obsessed with constantly tracking the progress and prior performances to assist in determining the classroom rankings. Eventually this common practice was slowly fell out of favor in the 1980s and 1990s because observant critics proposed this encouraged inequality among.
- Even when these equalizing educational experts were finally convinced to simply relax and trust their educational specialists, the teachers, to create a more permitting, acceptable atmosphere for their classroom advocates and others. Afterwards, the practice of allowing multiple students possessing various levels of expertise and intelligence and other significant forms of talents were now capable of mingling and interacting with one another. While students were exposed to one another, they were able to grasp various talents and skills and allow themselves to befriend a larger majority of their class, instead of purposefully being locked into a specific section with similar talents to themselves. But eventually, to a large amount of surprise, the grouping system returned and shocked the educational experts, all originally convinced that the previous outcry had forever outlawed this unfair practicing.
- The National Assessment Of Educational Progress, which is a sophisticated organization designed to assist in tracking a specific school's variety of significant statistics in an extreme census - like manner. When a multitudinous amount of fourth - grade teachers were interviewed for their personal opinions concerning the overall ideas an equalized educational system or preferred intelligence sorting system, various reports proved that seventy - one percent claimed they sorted children by reading abilities in 2009; this is a major increase from the original twenty - eight percent of 1998. In mathematics, the interviewed educational specialists claimed that sixty - one percent encouraged division by performance in 2011, another major increase from the forty percent of 1996. Nowadays, we can all acknowledge that even these recent statistics have greatly leaned in the favor of division among abilties.
- When receiving personal opinions from Tom Loveless, a profound fellow senior at Brookings Institution; he was the exact person capable of realizing the major transformation in direction of originally equalized opinions of these education specialists previously which then became the current "grouping debate." The experienced student himself claimed that the performance and intellectual capability division was originally stigmatized, but now claims the once accused and outlawed educational system has silently "gone underground" and has become "less controversial." One may question themselves about the immediate and sudden turn of events and opinions and beliefs towards this once disowned practice. My personal inference is that once the various classrooms began to enlarge and talented students were not being challenged and less brighter students never understanding, this process became more attractive to use.

Sunday, August 20, 2017
Monday's Total Solar Eclipse - Anita

- Scheduled for a prominent occurrence upon Monday, August 21, 2017, the blazing sun will undergo a miraculous, extremely rare, darkening solar eclipse as our minuscule moon shifts into the heated path of natural light shooting directly towards the neighboring Earth and almost entirely conceal our view of the dependent sun; therefore, the most brightest portion of the masked sun will be visible from the observant eyes planted upon Earth, which is the astounding corona layer of the bubbling surface. To be provided some useful insight about the beautiful and dangerous celestial event to occur, the primary movement or significant change happening would be, as mentioned before, that our tiny orbiting moon would come between the direct path of the Earth to the sun and camouflage our view. This rare position is held exactly for about three lengthy hours, and will be observed greatly in the America.
- For an amazing continuum of thirty - eight years, the curious citizens of America have not observed such a natural phenomenon. The primary question asked would most likely be, Who will be capable of viewing this celestial event? The simplest form of informative answer would most likely be that all current residents of America, along with other cautious, careful, and observant viewers from South America, Europe, and Africa, all viewing a somewhat partial of the entire complete event. To be capable of viewing the entire movement, you must be present in the best location, the path of totality. This prominent path acts as a seventy mile line dividing America, West to East, where the most treasured views of the complete solar eclipse will be monitored for three minutes. This line of totality will be slowly crossing the viewpoints of fourteen American states, beginning in Oregon, and ending in South Caroline, two hours.
- Even though numerous waves of Americans may be bubbling with insurmountable excitement for this unpredictable celestial event, however, a multitude of precautions should be followed to both successfully achieve enjoyment and safety while viewing the solar eclipse. Gazing directly at the view will hurt and greatly damage the eyesight, which one should not risk as an alternative for urgency in viewing the event. Solutions for this issue are quite simple, such as direct and indirect viewing of the celestial event. For direct viewing, purchasing a powerful filter to place upon your eyes or adorning a pair of protective, scientifically - tested glasses would enable you to view the event. Otherwise, a wiser decision would rather be to discover an indirect form of experiencing the rare occurrence. The process of doing so would be to project a view of the progressing movements upon a screen for indirect contact.
- The most recent and general solar eclipse occurrence was a brief travel across the isolate islands in Indonesia. Luckily, the celestial event was predicted by the Japanese nearby, primarily a local Japanese satellite. During the beautiful and dangerous celestial event, this sophisticated yet simple - purposed satellite was capable of brilliantly recording all of the prominent materials, along with the various phases and progressions of the moon shifting slowly through the sky, along with the multitude of various shadows that passed over the entire Earth. The satellite's astounding footage, Himawari - 8, was discovered by the Japanese and was deeply analyzed for further understanding and information on the rare celestial event. This important footage was next provided to NASA, then deciding to reconstruct the material and form an animation of the shadows reflected upon Earth from a significant space view.
- Finally, let us vigorously study the science and complex mathematics behind the entire concept and occurrence of a complete solar eclipse. When you view the materials that possess numbers, you gain more appreciative understanding for the "cosmic coincidence." Do you realize that the astounding sun is rough;y four hundred times larger than the minuscule moon, yet roughly four hundred miles away in distance? Somehow, from a curious observer viewing from Earth's surface, the combination of the covering appears to make the blinding sun entirely invisible and the moon to appear entirely blotched out. In some annual, partial eclipses, the white moon is roughly capable of hovering in our direct light path to the sun, but the radiating light of the son elongates from the moon, creating a beautiful and visible ring of sunlight as an aura surrounding the moon. Don't forget to observe the celestial event!
Saturday, August 19, 2017
Why Aren't There More Girls In Leadership Roles? - Anita
- Have you acknowledged that dominant males in your local community, or even of higher position and leadership rank, may possess the more significant roles of leading others? In other words, do you believe that capable women are not being encouraged appropriately due to blinding gender stereotypes? We can prove that talented and skillful men and women are both equally trained to carry the overwhelming weight of their dependent community upon their powerful shoulders, but why do we consistently discover that our male counterparts seem to prevail over us and somehow win the leadership roles of our homes, neighborhoods, and even governments. Since the beginning of possessing an ordered system of leadership, sophisticated women have been noticeably blocked from pursuing these leadership positions primarily due to their cultural limits. But do these usually confident women also hold back?
- This entire complicated debate immediately began when a simple school student writer, Katharine Q. Seeyle, attending Phillips Andover Academy, addressed the noticible amount of gender inequality brewing in her extremely aged, 235-year-old prep school. When she observed all the various leadership positions in her professional academy, she immediately became angered and attempted to force her fellow classmates to at least acknowledge these pressing matters. She purposely wrote a detailed and raging letter to the esteemed school newspaper, The Phillipian, and in the obvious manner that most controversial issues began, she ignited the simple match and sent another raging fire throughout the entire campus. While as usual with these doubtful debates, while many supported the primary idea of gender inequality, others depended on the idea of male dominance in leadership roles for their own selfish reasons.
- The primary cause of this entire raging gender debacle immediately began when the esteemed academy's official election began on Wednesday, mainly concerning which fortunate student would earn the top leadership position of the president of the entire school. Monitoring the overall statistics of the previous elections, the students were capable of observing that since the astounding year of 1973 to 2003, only four females were reluctantly selected for the profound leadership position, 2003 being the most recent. The accompanying top position, as in editor in chief of the amazing school newspaper, was also calculated to possess thirty-three males and nine females. The people who quickly sent the raging letter to the newspaper also acknowledged that this was a everlasting shame upon the school publically, and even commented that younger females would have a small amount of leadership role models for girls.
- Through this gender inequality displayed at the amazing school, the letter writers infere that the school was somewhat biased and maybe intentionally followed the inequality displayed in our average societies for generations and generations. This is blindly comparing the structure of the entire school's profound system to one of the primary issues that plague our communities and the hierarchy of power and ultimate leadership. When the headmaster was interviewed for his personal opinion on the pressing issue and the controversy, the raging debate throughout his entire campus. He simply replied that since this is an average issue in our common society, common sense leads us to believe this would an average issue in the society of the campus. He also allows and permits this to occur because he claims that this is the average issues that along with Phillip Andover, other praised academies must deal constantly.
- Even though this arguably major situation was not clearly acknowledged and fixed properly by the overall staff and the previously wise headmaster, the inspirational letter writers were capable of majorly changing the entire odds of the significant election. Instead of the common, untampered rules, they switched from electing a single president to two co-presidents. Therefore, different candidates were forced to form various teams and run the election process together. While a surprising majority of the candidates formed teams including both genders in equality, some teams continued to be general and formed completely male teams. This was somewhat successful, as it took the silent students and annual voters by extreme surprise and caused the tide of the ocean of male leadership an dominance to change significantly. Now, in the finals, stands a prominent combined gender teams and a complete male team.
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