Saturday, May 30, 2015

Pollution - Navo

  • Pollution has harmful contaminants that cause harm to the natural life.Pollution is mostly caused by factories by burning coal and wood.
  • Have you seen things in the ocean, lake or a stream.The weird thing about pollution is that woman become desperate to go to polluted areas.China, India and Russia are on of the most polluted areas in the world.
  • In London in 1272 King Edward I banned the burning sea - coal by proclamation. Chicago and Cincinnati were the two cities in US that declared cleaner air in 1881.Pollution in the US became a major issue in the 20th century.
  • 3 million horses that worked in American cities in 1900 polluted so much more than the factories because of their bad urine. Horses were trying to be transported to different countries and also triyng to be put them to sleep.

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