Saturday, May 30, 2015

Rachel Carson - Anita

  • Rachel Louise Carson was a famous female marine biologist and conservationist who was born on May 27, 1907 in Springdale, Philadelphia and died on April 14, 1964 in Silver Spring, Maryland. Rachel grew up on a farm and learned about nature and wildlife. She even had a book published when she was just eleven years old. Later on, she attended Pennsylvania College for Women and majored in biology and later Johns Hopkins University to get a masters degree in zoology. 
  • After graduating, Rachel Carson taught for a while and then got a job with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. At first, she wrote a weekly radio program that educated people on marine biology. Then, she became a full - time marine biologist and became incharge  of weekly publications of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • In addition to her job, Rachel Carson wrote and published a book in 1941 called Under the Sea Wind, which was actually her second book. Her first book, The Sea Around Us, was what made her popular. Once New York Best Seller List ranked Rachel Carson's books as the most popular in 80 weeks, she quit her job with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and pursued her writing.
  •  During World War II, the U.S. government created many harmful pesticides such as DDT. These pesticides were used to kill insects, weeds and small creatures that destroyed crops. But the pesticides were also hurting harmless animals and even humans. Many health care providers were concerned, the use of the harmful sprays did not stop. Rachel Carson was also concerned, so she published her most popular book yet in 1962, Silent Springs. It refers to birds dying because of pesticides and spring being silent without their beautiful songs. Finally, people came to there senses and President John F. Kennedy banned it.
  • In 1960, Rachel Carson was diagnosed with breast cancer. She fought the disease for the last four years of her life while writing Silent Springs. In 1964, Rachel Carson finally subsided to the disease in her home in Maryland.

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