Tuesday, September 5, 2017

How Should We Prevent Future Mass Shootings? - Anita

  • As we are greatly concerned and primarily occupied with various significant matters, a few items that are constantly becoming unnoticed by our responsible government are somehow transforming into the greatest, most devastating, and heart - breaking tragedies of our common worlds and average lifestyles. Insignificant aspects of the once casual American routine have been greatly transformed into unpredictable items of mass destruction and absolutely misery. A prominent example of one of these revolutionary events includes the curcial and successful shooting incident present in the more isolated location of the simple and innocent Sandy Hook Elementary School, stationed quietly and peacefully in the average and undisturbed area of Newtown, Connecticut. Present in this insignificant location was sadly the final standings of twenty youthful students and six protective staff members, their deaths with bullets.
  • The extremely sudden aftermath of the devastating and oddly rare shooting incident raised an enormous amount of American suspicion and caused many neglecting citizens to wonder that if we can greatly monitor and regulate our common transportation vehicles of commonly used cars, we can we not discover a peaceful but legally supported manner of properly regulating the uncomfortable usages of dangerous guns? While even the preoccupied president was provided with multiple questions concerning the issue, he simply answered very blandly and not particularly an extremely exact and precise course of action. Even afterwards, he has not again taken any additional precautions or measures to ensure that the innocent, American school children can be entirely guaranteed their personal and mortal safety. After witnessing the upsetting killing of these innocent people, why aren't more civilians even concerned?
  • As an extraordinary amount of the innocent and youthful American children are being constantly felled and constantly endangered to be randomly stripped of their unpredictable futures and the successful, joyous lives they could possibly lead in their distant times, numerous Americnas are actually possessing and placing the incorrect blame upon the uncoordinated and uncontrollable lunatics and suicidal psychopaths roaming freely across our esteemed and protected nation. Now, we are actually directing our primary attentions and major blame upon these unmonitored people with their own personal issues and claiming that they are the main reminder of the amount of negatives and prominent imperfections in the established Americna system. Rather, we should attempt to reconsider the direction and reasoning of these useless blames and finally decide that our political government must take action.
  • David Hemenway, a significant and popular public health specialists residing in Harvard has authored a despcriptivd novel on the various aspects and flaws and positives of our common gun violence and various regulations. One of his most prominent statistics on the entire novel claim that innocent children ranging briefly from the noticeable ages of five to fourteen are an astonishingly thirteen times more likely and easily prone to be killed and downed by various unmonitored rouges in America. As these astounding notes are all revealed, we notice the turned reactions and numerous emotions of the protective adults and secure parents. Otherwise, we have actually been maintaining some order after the final relaizations of the people have been acknowledged by the entire government. Even when the slow progression is occurring, we should at most be grateful for the final consents and motives of our superiors.
  • If we decided to consider that this entire gun violence frenzy and prominently devastating events were the central part of the current health and public issues, we could safely estimate that at least a single American, an innocent civilian, is being ultimately downed by the deadly and dangerous gun every twenty minutes. Even though we continue to strive to entirely perfect this wonderful nation with newly arising flaws, we are extremely slowly beginning to persist that our powerful superiors acknowledge the various experienced and dreadful dangers form the common perspective of the average American. Questions simply ravage the controversial minds of this tossed on both of the undetermined sides of this serious topic of overall discussion. Why should the average person possess a violent gun when the government cannot legitimately trust them? Without access to guns, how may be capable of our personal protection?

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